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health, wellness, well-being, mental health Carmen Mohan health, wellness, well-being, mental health Carmen Mohan

HelloHealth Team Member Spotlight—Kristen Prewitt

Creative writing. Literature. And . . . medicine? Yes, all of these elements converge in one of HelloHealth’s valued team members—Dr. Kristen Prewitt. Dr. Prewitt has been a friend of HelloHealth founder Dr. Carmen Mohan since they were in high school together in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. As some may know, Dr. Mohan’s father was career Army, as was Dr. Prewitt’s. During their tenth and ninth grade years respectively, the two attended high school together and cemented what has become an enduring friendship. The two also attended the same undergraduate university for a year before Dr. Prewitt transferred to the University of Virginia, where she graduated with a degree in English.

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National Grief Awareness Day

National Grief Awareness Day was created by Angie Cartwright in 2014 to aid in bringing attention to the complicated and diverse ways in which we grieve. Commemorated annually on August 30th, the day is focused on broadening the understanding of a topic we don’t like to talk about. Grief is the price of love, and we all grieve in different ways and on different timelines. And that’s okay. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, and there’s no time limit either.

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