“How do you put yourself first?”
Dr. Carmen Mohan discusses the importance of self-care:
1. When you don’t put yourself first, you endanger the people you took an oath to help.
2. Imagine the predicament you put your colleagues in when they have to run the trauma service down a man — or woman in this instance.
And the Bottom Line: Self care is a professional responsibility.
Here are the action steps for today:
Download our mini workbook. We’ll leave the link in the show notes and on our blog.
If you’re serious about self care and you view self care as part of professionalism, please reach out. For example, maybe you’re looking to ensure your team stays strong through challenging times, invite a HelloHealth speaker to your next meeting.
Register for one of our complimentary workshops. We’re offering Self Care for Leaders under Fire for any leader who wants to re-imagine team lunch. You can check this out complimentary on October 7th starting at noon. Visit our website for the registration link: hellohealthtoday.com.